What is your soul’s purpose? What if it’s not something you do with your time, but the way you are being in the world? I could be wrong, but I think we pretty much all have the same soul purpose. To be kind. To be lead by compassion. To love unconditionally. To see the best in the human race, and call that forth in our sisters and brothers. To be the LIGHT living, breathing, and walking the earth.
Next time you are asked what your soul’s purpose is maybe this will come to mind. Maybe you can release the pressure value on finding that *right* job, that *correct* service work, and just KNOW that our purpose is to light this earthly plane up. That in and of itself calls us forward in our personal human-soul evolution.
Looking at our soul’s purpose through this lens, we can ask ourselves, “How do I live this kindness, compassion, love, and light out in the world to support and service others?”

I am a mom and I live my inner light every day staying home raising my family, teaching them kindness, compassion for others and self, to trust and know their divine wholeness.
I am a father and I read to my kids every night, showing up and connecting with them. Through our time together they get to hear stories about people all over the world and step into their imaginations.
I am a healer and support my clients to remember the truth of themselves.
I am a teacher guiding the minds and hearts of my fellow lightworkers (children, teens, and adults).
I am a landscaper. Every day my hands are connecting to the earth. I tend the land.
I am a child. I don’t have a job. I don’t even read yet, but each day I show up in the full expression of who I am. I am learning about the world, myself, and my peers. I am curious about everything and I ask all the questions.
It doesn’t matter what we chose to do to make money. It’s about how we show up. When we live each day as the truth of us, LIGHT BEINGS, we are walking the path of our soul’s purpose and everything we touch is affected.

To a Confident, Sexy, Love filled life!
Kimberly Lindsay, BA, CPCC, ORSCC, IBCLC
Mental Fitness Coach for Spiritual & Creative Moms:
Who are ready to ditch their saboteurs so they can show up
as the partner, parent, and person they want to be - getting back to self and back to roots.