Breastfeeding Break-up
I consider a breastfeeding break-up to be an abrupt ending of breastfeeding, which is caused from distress. This is not the natural weaning that evolves when mother and child are mutually done.
What happens when those hopes and dreams for breastfeeding are not met with real life ease and success. Maybe you were not able to find an IBCLC for clinical support and to cheer you forward. Maybe there was not a helpful network of moms who walked your path. It is HARD. And it is most often not a one-step and done fix. This leaves many moms without the strength to keep going and a baby without the healing or help they need to feed at the breast well.
There are numerous reasons that a mom might quit breastfeeding, she might have a low (or perceived low) milk supply, a lack of partner and family support, a baby who has structural problems that makes latching at the breast difficult. Or baby might have food sensitivities from mom's diet, shallow latching causing severe nipple damage - thus making feeding painful and emotional.
Sometimes unrelated health problems in mom or baby negatively impacts the breastfeeding relationship. These are some of the reasons moms end breastfeeding earlier than desired, for both mom and baby. Maybe the reason you stopped is here and maybe it is something else altogether.
Clients who come to coaching for Breastfeeding Break-up support are usually moms who want to breastfeed again in the future and they want to do this from a place of empowerment. Through this program clients can process and heal their breastfeeding break-up.
However, if you are done with your breastfeeding journey and you still want to process it and look for understanding about your experiences you can certainly still get coaching.
* If you are currently breastfeeding and on the verge of a
Breastfeeding Break-up this is for you too.
What is unique to this process when working with me is that I use both my coaching lens to guide you through your previous breastfeeding relationship and my expertise as an IBCLC to help answer the questions you have about breastfeeding that led you to your Breastfeeding Break-up.
Together we will:
* Explore your original breastfeeding expectations and value system
* Process the events that came up, mom and/or baby related, that might have negatively impacted breastfeeding
* Discover from the lactation perspective insight and understanding that could have contributed to the previous outcomes
* Step into a healing place
And if you are planning to breastfeed again in the future:
* We will reconnect with your breastfeeding goals and align them with your new insight
* Design an individualized breastfeeding blueprint that encompasses your previous experiences and your new goals
My Goal is to assist you in unfolding the details, to get curious, and to discover where your breastfeeding journey shifted to a Breastfeeding Break-up, and create a safe space for healing.
$ 620
3 Session
One 90 minute session
Two 60 minute sessions
$ 1100
6 Session
One 90 minute session
Five 60 minute sessions