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Hardwired to Breastfeed - The Breast Crawl

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

We are a mammalian species.

We are designed through our genetic code to seek our mother’s breast upon birth.

Therefore we are hardwired, like ALL MAMMALS, to breastfeed.

So when a baby CANNOT nurse at the breast we know that baby is having a problem. The reason is not always obvious as to why s/he cannot nurse, BUT THERE IS A REASON.

Some reasons can include:

Baby has structural imbalances developed in utero that make alignment impossible.

  • When baby’s body is not aligned and symmetrical, feeding can be very difficult and painful. Your baby uses their entire body for feeding NOT just their mouth, everything is connected.

Birth is difficult on a baby, both vaginal and cesarean.

  • Maybe your baby’s cranial bones are out of balance causing abnormal pressure changes in their head and neurological irritation.

  • Maybe your baby’s neck was pulled during delivery causing her cervical vertebrae to be misaligned and she can’t get her neck straight for nursing or move her chin in deeply and extend her neck back for the rhythmic suck/swallow/breath combination of nursing.

Maybe baby has a:

  • Submucosal cleft palate

  • A restrictive tongue-tie

  • Silent reflux

  • Sensitivity to a food or herb in your diet.

  • A pinched nerve impacting effective feeding & digestion.

Any one of these issues can compromise a baby’s instincts and reflexes necessary for feeding.

Or maybe they just don’t like you.

Oh no wait…They are hardwired to love you too. You have been their caregiver, their constant since conception, their continual source of food and warmth, always touched, moved, and in constant radius to sounds. As carry mammals we are born to be in arms and at our mother’s bosom. It is in our making.

There is this really cool thing often called “The Breast Crawl” and can be seen in this video of a baby who is laid upon his mother’s bare chest and skin to skin, either directly from birth or shortly thereafter. His body is fully supported by his mother and gravity. When he is ready he makes his way to the breast, latches, and nurses, all unassisted.

This is what I am talking about, mammalian hardwiring, instincts, and reflexes all at play to get baby in his next biological habitat, mom’s sweet warm embrace, with nutrition at the ready.

Now of course, I don’t have research on this, but I don’t believe that there are any babies who have tricked the genetic programming in terms of obtaining nutrition. We just don’t have babies developing in utero that have a ‘special’ coding for artificial bottle-feeding.

So to be clear, yes some babies are fed by bottle or tube from the very first feed. BUT, it is other circumstances that determine this such as, a baby’s medical health, adoption, mother’s health, or a mother’s desire not to breastfeed. Babies do NOT come to us and say, “Nah, I just don’t want to.” We are made to seek food upon birth and with all our instincts and reflexes working at their optimal levels and our mother’s bosom available we seek and find our food.

Here is a fabulous video from Dr. Kevin Ross, DC where he explains how subluxation can impact breastfeeding.

If you and your baby are having a hard time establishing a pain free and effective breastfeeding relationship there are professionals here to help. Here is a list of some of the professionals who can help your baby get to the breast.

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)

Doctor of Osteopath (DO)

Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)

CranioSacral Therapist (CST)

Occupational Therapist (OT)

Pediatric Dentist (DDS)

Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor (ENT - MDs and DOs)

~I help parents co-create safe and effective sleep plans for their family. AND NOT CIO! To a Confident, Sexy, Love filled life! Kimberly Lindsay,  BA, CPCC, ORSCC, IBCLC

Mental Fitness Coach for Spiritual & Creative Moms:

Who are ready to ditch their saboteurs so they can show up

as the partner, parent, and person they want to be - getting back to self and back to roots.

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